Please read carefully before completing this form

I have Received Jesus as my LORD and Saviour and I would like to join the movement of Bawathit Church and to become a family with Bawathit Family to Expand God’s Kingdom and I agree to the following:

  1. I will help and protect the Unity of the Church by Treating Others with Love, Refusing to Speak ill of others and obeying the leading of the Bawathit Church leaders.  (Romans 14:19; 1Peter 1:22; Ephesians 4:29; Hebrews 13:17)
  2. I will take on the Responsibility of the Church by Praying for the Church and leaders, Praying for Unbelievers and sharing Jesus with others personally and bringing them to our fellowship and warmly welcoming others who join our church. 
  3. I will serve God through Bawathit Church by Discovering my God Given Gift, and by Nurturing my gift, Applying my Gift through the Help of other mature believers in the Church and leader, through those gifts I will faithfully serve God through Bawathit Church. (1Peter 4:10; Ephesians 4:11-12; Philippians 2:3-4 and 7)  
  4. I will preserve and protect the reputation of the Church by Attending our B1, B2 and B3 Classes, by Participating in Small Groups, by attending Church service Faithfully, by living a life of integrity, by giving to Church faithfully, by not becoming a member of two churches at one time and by living out the teachings of Jesus Christ.

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